Dragon Tales: Meet Taj

I started using cannabis late in life when I was around 23. A lot of my friends and coworkers smoked but I never engaged. One day a friend gave me a bite of a fruity pebbles bar and it changed my life. From there, I started taking edibles on the weekends just for fun and realized it made me feel better.

I get upset and angry easily and when I get upset it’s really hard to think rationally and get out of my own head. When I got upset, I’d use cannabis and my thought process would go from “explosive rage” to “calm and rational” instantly. I started making my own edibles infusing butter and oils and also started to realize how much it helped during my period. I have PCOS and some pretty big fibroids that need surgery and cannabis has helped ease the pain associated with cramps, my fibroids as well as my mood swings. It’s been a few years and I’ve incorporated cannabis into my daily life. Using oils, flowers, edibles, and even topicals when necessary.

Currently, I don’t deal with any stigma around my cannabis use because I’m a very private person. However, I would like children in the future. I know it’s possible to still get the benefits of cannabis during pregnancy and even after, but there’s still a lot of stigma around moms who use cannabis.

T is a Black Brave Dragon interested in the business of cannabis.

Black Dragon Breakfast Club

Black Dragon Breakfast Club is community for Cannabis Leaders and Dragons. We are progressive, creative and industrious Cannabis supporters who believe in an equitable, shame-free and opportunity rich industry. Book a Rise and Grind. Join the club!


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